void elf druid. The WC2 manual is a very dated source. void elf druid

The WC2 manual is a very dated sourcevoid elf druid  Just seen em

even in quel’thalas part of the starting zone quests is coming across elves who are friendly with treants and tending to the forests. Void elf is a blood elf corrupted by the darkness, Preternatural calm makes your spell casts not to be delayed by dmg good for casters classes, ethereal connection reduces the cost of void storage and transmogrification by 50%, Entropic embrace makes your abilities have a chance to deal additional healing and dmg by 5% as shadowfrost. 1. I really hope this is the case. This is a solid all-around buff, though Demonology warlocks won't get as much from it as it doesn't affect pet attacks or abilities. P/T: 2 / 2. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Started Threads Over 9000! Join Date Apr 2012 LocationSo basically the only reason we can play a void elf warrior is because they were dragged along while the casters dabbled in powers far beyond their comprehension. This druid must be considered for elf tribal decks in Modern, Historic, and eternal formats. Now that blood elves can have red eyes, the only thing I still desperately want in this game is blood elf druids. Information gathered from the non-canon sources of the RPG can be found further below. I start from Void Elf Quest chain for Void Elf: After you will pick up this races you will pick quest from Alleria Windrunner. 5 PTR 10. But… no one is talking about the potential druid forms for void elves, and the outrage it will cause among certain groups of forum posters. And Void Elves are… really 90% of the same thing, so there’s no reason that they should be left out. It should not matter too much unless you want to clear mythic raids the first two weeks of the tier, or if you are aiming to do high end PvP. 5 Build 25600 - Updated Baine, Nathanos, Saurfang Models; Learn more about 7. Published: Aug 17, 2019. But the 10. But those would appear to be gameplay exceptions made for the sake of allowing the Shadow Priest Void Elf and Holy Lightforged Draenei fantasies to exist,. I would also be okay with night borne druids as I love suramar. Blood elf druids could easily fit with their respective starting zone animals like the cat and dragon hawk as a flight form. Void Elves received 3 new hair colors in this weeks 9. Shadowmeld is great, but the female Night Elf model just works with all armor. . 1. 3: A couple people agree with me on this. Do u gu… Do u guys think blood elf druids are actually coming? Idk why I get a sense that they aren’t. Of the remining core classes I’d say Shaman and Paladin are the easiest to implement. When you complete the Return to Lordaeron achievement in Patch 9. Blood Elves are really easy because, again, we’ve had Blood Elf Druids since The Burning Crusade. They were even exiled because they didn’t want to be druids and none have been seen in their society. With purple themed Light. Like that. They are basically only zealots, that cant touch void, so priest dont match. ago. Just seen em. I’ve been waiting so long maybe I should just give up. $2. Blizzard intro The. And although most of what I'm about to present to you is backed by the existing lore, a. Void Shamans are already canon in the lore anyways, this could be the antithesis to Blood Elf Paladins. net. Or a human fits a paladin or a hunter fitting a troll etc etc tell each and every spec of every class and the race that best matches them. Your ability. 7 Tyr quest changed my mind. Hey all! I’m in the process of unlocking Void Elves. Shaman: Male, Tauren. 8 Likes. Shaman all specs - orc. In this Allied Race guide, we'll cover how to unlock the Void Elf Allied Race, their available classes, racial abilities and passives, how to earn the Ren'dorei Heritage Armor and Starcursed Voidcaller mount, and all of their unique customization options and emotes. Void Elf does better with DoT damage so ideal with Shadow. $2. Totems and Chargers. I'm sure many thought that if we got any new race-class combinations in the next patch it would be the druids. Human: Warrior Dwarf: Hunter Night Elf: Druid Gnome: Rogue Draenei: Priest Worgen: Warrior Pandaren: Monk Void Elf: Mage Lightforged Draenei: Paladin Dark Iron Dwarf: Shaman Kul Tiran: Hunter Mechagnome: Rogue Orc: Warrior Undead: Warlock Tauren: Hunter Troll: Shaman Blood Elf: Hunter Goblin: Rogue Nightborne: Mage. Grove Guardians Nourish healing decreased by 15% in PvP combat. So blood elf hairs for void elves hmm? been waiting for over a year now :) Comment by Almegnas on 2023-09-07T20:10:39-05:00. Void Elf Hunters get Void pets or animals of the Void as companions so there has. All three make sense because the Ren'dorei were formed from Umbric's group of magic scholars. I don’t want to play a Blood Elf either since my friends play Alliance. Now that blood elves can have red eyes, the only thing I still desperately want in this game is blood elf druids. New Druid Travel Forms for Patch 9. Man that's a contradiction. Bjornh-dun-modrOctober 6, 2023, 12:49am. Comment by Wowzombie15 on 2023-01-25T13:37:36-06:00This guide provides list of all druid forms for each race and how to obtain them, change them and how their customizaion is linked to your character. Comment by NICOLEB3X3 Currently in 8. Preturnatural Calm - Your spell casts are not delayed by. Draenei - priest. We know that much of Eversong Woods is maintained by nature magic, too. It is clear to everyone that the Void Infused Blood Elf population of Void Elves would not be able to be paladins, however the High Elf Wayfarers lore-wise would be able to. However, what. Flavor Text: He knows the name of every elf born in the last four centuries. Popular Wood Elf Names With Meaning. Only when Light and void are in balance are things as they should be. Alleria Windrunner, who had recently learned to harness the shadow and use it for the good of Azeroth, saved. Void elves are a race of Void-infused elves. Warriors make a lot of sense too. Quel'dorei Steed - High Elf mount, Kul Tiras has long been known to have High Elves. Activision-Blizzard. The demons we summon as players are technically more shadow aligned then fel the. This is because 10. They just look pudgy and weird in most armor. Others, during Cataclysm sided with Old Gods, Deathwing,. ) Shadow: Night Elf and Void Elf. I’d like to see Panda Druids before I see Panda Paladins. I was referring to that, not the player models. Just always interested in hearing different thoughts! Particularly if you can manage minimal overlap (Demon Hunter pretty much making it impossible to fully avoid that, though). After that basically night elf is the best, and some classes like warrior gnome can be good depending on what's currently meta. II. The Top Races For Each DPS Specialization In World Of Warcraft: Shadowlands Death Knight. The night elves are a reclusive race of ancient beings who, at one point in time, were immortal. Vengeance: Night Elf / Blood. It is a unique model, the only Falcon model with spotted wings. Druid wouldn’t work because that’d be another pathway for the Nightmare. Night Elf = shadow meld = but rogues already have vanish, wasted racial skill here. To anyone who eithers, main void elf or enjoys them what class did you pick for them? I’m interested on making a void elf normal class that plays and looks cool leveling and learning about lore. FAQ. Male Void Elves Short Ears Medium Ears Long Ears Tentacle Toggle Not all Void Elf hairstyles have tentacles, but there is now a toggle box for those that do so you will be able use the hairstyle without tentacles if you prefer. As expected, your main stat priority will be Wisdom followed by Constitution. Best Horde races for each class. Hey all! I’m in the process of unlocking Void Elves. These are returning Highborne attempting to make amends, as foreshadowed by Mordent Evenshade. Druidiana. New Void Elf Customizations in Patch 9. Balance - form with a wind serpent-type head. Notably, there is one that matches the markings on the Druid cat form. We wanted to give you an early look at a few of these new options available to the two races, with the first being several shades of blue eyes to choose from. Once earned, the heritage armor can be used by any Void Elf alts, including low level, boosted and race changed ones. When his grasp over the Scourge faltered after the Third War, a contingent of undead broke free of their master’s iron will. Human is too generic and boring and the other race looks like a walking refrigerator. Druid Outfits. Rogues are a great class to utilize in a PvE environment. Augur of Autumn. Almia Moonwhisper, a night elf mage. Nothing a Void elf druid would do would have anything of nature to draw from. Because to give more variety in the alliance to druid players, this class is not given to void elves. It's like comparing Orc Warriors or Shaman. Join thousands of mighty heroes in Azeroth, a world of magic and limitless adventure. RP Tools is mostly wrong and used incorrectly. Calek-norgannon August 21, 2019, 8:05pm #2. Join thousands of mighty heroes in Azeroth, a world of magic and limitless adventure. Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site!Night Elves can be played as the following classes in Classic. Classes without ways to break combat that can be a Night Elf: Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid*, Monk, Priest, Warrior. ago. I say, lets allow void elves to become paladins. This assumes you have no talents, the talents will expand on that. KT: Outlaw Rogue or Resto shaman. I was hoping for at least Face Tattoos, like the one showing in the Blood elf face on the TBC's box. You can spend 10 minutes in concert with nature to replace one of the spells you’ve prepared in one of your druid spell slots with a summon animal or summon plants and fungi spell of the same level. We already have void elf leaders. I don’t want to play a Blood Elf either since my friends play Alliance. I want Void Elf Paladins. 5 PTR 10. Azerite Quest Board Nightborne Mount Riding Silithus Robo Bulldog Robo Doberman Void Elf Mount - Starcursed Voidstrider Those that follow the. Active: Spatial Rift Spatial Rift - Rip a rift in space and time. There’s an Orc mission in WC2 where you have to destroy the Runestone of Caer Darrow to build an Altar of Storms and make Ogre-Magi. Void Elf (Image via Blizzard) As one of the newer races introduced to WoW Dragonflight, Void Elves have quickly gained recognition as one of the best races for Mages. Lafiel, a night elf priest. By Vampyr78 Last Updated: 2023/11/12 Changelog Patch: 10. Male FemaleThe reason that you CAN play a Holy or Disc Void Elf Priest, is because it doesn’t make sense to create a completely new class just to accommodate the VE fantasy, since our current Priest class has Shadow. This name generator will give you 10 names fit for the night elves of the World of Warcraft universe. 1. MoreIronyLessWrinkly • 5 yr. Blood Elves are really easy because, again, we’ve had Blood Elf Druids since The Burning Crusade. Simple as that. Plus if you want I love to see what y’all’s awesome gear looks like on the class you pick. Void Elf for druid. [15]It may be incredibly painful for a void elf to wield the Light or to be healed by it, similar to its effects upon the undead, but the notion that wielding holy magic is an impossibility for void elves is a fallacy propagated by certain portions of the fanbase as truth, without a solid basis in the text. But Void is not the oppesite of the force of nature in the cosmo map. Also Void Elves can opt to look more like Blood Elves/High Elves if they wish. Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly. Paladins utilize the Light. There's certain animations that just don't work on other races (wings don't show, blade dance you turn back into an elf for the animation) plus having to add horns, tattoos and stuff. Blizzard continues to add new customization options for existing races to the game in Patch 9. The priest fits well with them as well. theres no lore reason to deny blood elf druids unlike void elf paladins. Night Elf: Night Elf Heritage female - The Clarion Call; Void Elf: Ren'dorei (Void Elf) Heritage Armor - Heritage of the Void; Worgen: Greyguard Set - The Shadow of Gilneas; Horde: Blood Elf: Sin'dorei (Blood Elf) Heritage Armor - Questline starts in Orgrimmar: The Pride of the Sin'dorei; Goblin: Tinker - Old Friends, New OpportunitiesJoin thousands of mighty heroes in Azeroth, a world of magic and limitless adventure. There were seven or eight void elf feedback threads before a blue finally uncapped the last one. Live PTR 10. This is a 2 count character pack which includes a high and low level miniature of the same character. Oh good! This will satisfy the players who want Void Elf/Forsaken Pallys too :D. Tauren Druid PCs taking part in the Burning of Teldrassil), a nice, heavy dose of suspension of disbelief is required. All the elves work as Hunters, but they aren't typical hunters like Draenei, Orcs or Trolls. (Night Elf Druids and Demon Hunters, Blood Elf Demon Hunters). Night Elf - Druid: While druidism exists from other teachings (Tauren were thought to have known the arts before NE's, and the Drust taught Kul Tiran on their own), Cenarias trained Malfurion Stormrage personally as the first mortal druid. World of Warcraft Forums. (Header provided by Hyperspàce) This thread is for those who want to talk about the Void aspect of Void Elves and the customizations they’d like to see with them. Genetically the corpse will still be a void elf, as they were permanently physiologically changed. Stay up to date with all the latest news with Wowhead News Notifications! Get Wowhead Premium. Even though an entire faction broke off and learned the Void? Even though there was a Blood Elf Druid on the Alcatraz in Burning Crusade? ReplyUndead. Void elf is a blood elf corrupted by the darkness, Preternatural calm makes your spell casts not to be delayed by dmg good for casters classes, ethereal connection reduces the cost of void storage and. Blood elf paladins and priests, who are attuned to the Light and linked closely to the Sunwell, are commonly depicted with golden eyes. Hello everyone! I recently made a slideshow and posted it on /r/wow to bring void elves closer to some players and/or roleplayers. Reply. If you played in the Legion expansion, that might be all you need to get started. Shadow Priest - Void Elf. Yeah nightborne are more akin to night elves in the sense that they are all natively aligned with arcane magic. Warriors make a lot of sense too. A Void Elf Paladin hailing from the High Elf Wayfarer population would be the equivalent of a Discipline. And Void Elves are… really 90% of the same thing, so there’s no reason that they should be left out. Rogue/Feral Druid — Shadowmeld opens up a massive window of opportunity for these two stealth-based classes,. It’s unsurprising that some of the most ancient races in Azeroth are the best races for mages. How are we looking on those void elf paladins? Seeing stuff for 10. A Priest, for example, needs to be a Race that’s “fitting”, whether it be Holy, Discipline, or Shadow. The void elves (or ren'dorei, for "Children of the Void" in Thalassian)[1] are one of the playable Alliance allied races in World of Warcraft, introduced at the end of Legion. The story behind the runestone at Caer Darrow originally mentioned being placed there by " Elven Druids ", [1] implying that they were high elves from Quel'Thalas. Dark Irons: Ele Shaman or Fire Mage. All Sets: Card Number: 168. Join thousands of mighty heroes in Azeroth, a world of magic and limitless adventure. Yeah nightborne are more akin to night elves in the sense that they are all natively aligned with arcane magic. A Month. Nightborne mages are the best. 5 PTR build. 3. Death Knight Demon Hunter Druid Evoker Hunter Mage Monk Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior. Anyone who doesn’t want Belf Druids is a certified loser who hates fun and puppies I mean that’s the thing, the druidism from War2 was retconned in War3, so. We already got a cosmic vibe going on, lets go full circle with Shamans. Life spans. That is a very petty reason to quit WoW. Gilnean druids stemmed also from. ReplyIn 10. If we are being really honest if WoW was never a thing Druids would have remained a Night Elf only thing. Void elf Demon Hunters:. NPCs include special characters too, not just generic civilians. Skipped Legion with Hunter as it was a 110 boost and my Druid barely touched Legion before i moved on to BFA. For untold millennia, the Army of the Light waged war against the Burning Legion throughout the Twisting Nether. As the title says, I’m having trouble with some of my characters being unable to use flight paths since the pre-patch dropped. Eloth-terenas January 31, 2021, 7:46pm #1. 3. 01% damage/healing/avoidance provided by other racial abilities. The Blood Elf silhouette would work quite good for this. Dear Lord I pray devs actually listen to what we want. Lore wise they are both easy to do. Void Elves. World of Warcraft, Void Elves. For nearly 7,000 years, high elven society centered on the sacred Sunwell, a magical fount that was created using a vial of pure arcane energy from the first Well of Eternity. THE ONLY REQUIREMENT TO UNLOCK VOID ELVES NOW IS TO REACH LEVEL 40 ON A CHARACTER AND VISIT THE STORMWIND EMBASSY TO PICK UP THE RECRUITMENT QUESTLINE STARTING WITH “THE GHOSTLANDS. They are depraved, worshipping Lolth, a goddess who spreads evil and hatred. Because that entire class in itself doesn’t fits the VE from a fantasy POV, nor from a “class. By. 2) Void Elf Mage. Emerald Slumber Enter a deep sleep for 8 seconds that makes all other cooldowns recover 400% faster. 30 yd range. Destruction Warlock - Orc. Void Elf (Image via Blizzard) As one of the newer races introduced to WoW Dragonflight, Void Elves have quickly gained recognition as one of. Many have sought to harness the corruptive magic of the Void. LF Draenei is more paladin race. Void Elf Paladins would be the first Paladin/race combo that would actually be lore-breaking. Though my points regarding Female Night Elf Druids, Male Night Elf Priests, or Night Elf Mages is retained, that none of these follow the established lore, and that they all exist in. The priest fits well with them as well. Night elf priests [] See also: Night elf (playable)#Racial traits The night elven priesthood is the only major priesthood in the Alliance to not follow the Light, as the night elves have been practicing their own religion since long before their contact with the races of the Eastern Kingdoms. It's useful if you need to get away because the treants taunt the target. No matter what class they choose later in life, ALL Highborn (Blood Elf, Void Elf, and Nightborn Elf) are Mages first culturally, and also Malfurion Head of the Cenarion Circle will never allow a Highborn to learn druidism. if your class can be human, go human. Perception is +50 stealth, in other words. Void elf Druid: the Void and Life combined in the Emerald Nightmare, so there's no reason why Void elves can't be Druids. 1. Yeah, but that's because Blizzard decided that. Void Elf Paladins. Artist: Karl Kopinski. Possible Lore Routes to Druidism for the rest of the Elves. Blood elf druid. Undead Rogue/Mage - Rogue mainly for the Meta honestly. But in terms of lore void elves can be anything. 2 but nothing about race unlocks for pal shams and droods. Night Elf - Hunter, Druid, Priest Draenei -Mage, Paladin (Warlock Worgen - Hunter, Warrior, Druid Pandaren -Monk, Rogue, Shaman Void Elf -Warlock, Priest, Mage Lightforged Draenei -Paladin, Priest Dark Iron Dwarf -Shaman, Hunter, Warrior Kul Tiran -Warrior, Druid. With the exception of Warlock, the top melee are male and top ranged are female (altho Druids have equal melee specs, Shaman and Hunters having a melee spec are predominately 'ranged'?) 58. As its a unique state of being. Athíyk-draenor. Classes. 3. Void Elves=High Elves=Blood Elves. Void elves (or ren'dorei, "children of the Void " in Thalassian) [4] are a race of Void-infused elves affiliated with the Alliance. The Void and Light do not tolerate each other intermingling, essentially. ago. Bow. Helaari is a powerful druidess. Class: Death Knight Demon Hunter Druid Evoker Hunter Mage Monk Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior. Reply With Quote. Give us vulpera druids you cowards. Alliance has heavily-aligned allied races in Void Elves and LF Draenei. Elven ranger refers to a ranger of elven ancestry. Comment by Cyyna on 2023-09-07T20:09:25-05:00. Useful! Also, suggestion - sort the bear/cat forms in the same order, so that bear model #1 is the one you'd get with the same hair/fur/whatever color as cat model #1. she is a void magic using high elf. World of Warcraft Forums. I've seen worse names. Aubree (French origin) meaning “a ruler”. Void Elf racials consist of: Chill of Night (Passive) - A reduction in Shadow damage by one percent. It would have been better as a door of shadows type effect. Just most right class for them. Void Elf Racials OP. With the exception of Warlock, the top melee are male and top ranged are female (altho Druids have equal melee specs, Shaman and Hunters having a melee spec are predominately 'ranged'?) 58. Here's a guide someone pulled together for speed levelling 1-60. They're so well defined by both. 0. Giving Void Elves the existing paladin class breaks with lore utterly. blue character commission concept design elf fantasy gaming girl hot illustration magic nightelf painting sexy woman wow voidelf 4steex druid worldofwarcraft world_of_warcraft. " (female only) Many NPCs in World of Warcraft (ex. High Mountain/Tauren Druid - Only Horde druids until Cataclysm. Drow = Elf + Darkness 220. No, but there are a lot of Draenei players and ours aren’t exactly ballin’. Khlause-kurinnaxx May 30, 2020, 4:18am #7. nightborne(who are also elves who cannot be druids) and void elves. 2. Blizzard just can't seem to get this glyph right. so it could be possible for void elves to tap into the Nightmare druid theme (Commentary): It’d make for a unique relationship with the Night Elves if the Void Elves. One of their leaders is a hunter and the other is a mage. Everyone remembers the old PvP. Lore wise they are both easy to do. I tested this on. Lightforged - paladin. Kul Tirans can be Druids because they are using the flow of life and death found in nature. 84". The difference being that the High/Blood Elves view magic as being an integral part of the universe, as it was created by the Titans and is as natural as nature itself; the Well of Eternity formed naturally on Azeroth and created the elves in the first place. This void is filled with a cacophony of soft whispers and slurping noises that can be heard up to 30 feet away. "De sands swallow de weak. Well I have suggestion about void elf city and New Night elf city. Monk all three specs - Pandaren. Dark Elves. Paladin. Dark Iron - Nothing too overly synergistic with their racials, I would argue the extra DOT removal / buff is the most beneficial to Rogues. Void elf paladin. They should get a bunch of features that turn their skin completely Void/Ethereal held together by bandages. They are swift and sure and are at peace with all of the children of the forest. Human: Warrior Dwarf: Hunter Night Elf: Druid Gnome: Rogue Draenei: Priest Worgen: Warrior Pandaren: Monk Void Elf: Mage Lightforged Draenei: Paladin Dark Iron Dwarf: Shaman Kul Tiran: Hunter Mechagnome: Rogue Orc: Warrior Undead: Warlock Tauren: Hunter Troll: Shaman Blood Elf: Hunter Goblin: Rogue Nightborne: Mage Highmountain Tauren: Hunter Mag’har Orc: Warrior Zandalari Troll: Priest. Malfurion Stormrage is recorded as being the first night elf druid, as he was taught directly. Undead. I love it, but I really like Void Elves and everyone but my Shaman (Dark Iron Dwarf), my Druid (Kul Tiran) and my Demon Hunter (NE obviously) is one. Void elves have succumbed to the void, I don't think they could be Intune with nature and it's balance, much like how the Blood Elves and Nightborne can't because of their addiction to the Arcane. Premium. A good decision for balance. Following the death of the Lich King, the Forsaken have reinforced their territories and took a far more aggressive stance in their war against the remnants of the Scarlet Crusade, the Scourge, and the Alliance. ”. Entropy is associated with the void, and the void is able to utilise the elements well. Owlchemy-stormrage. That's accurate, but we've also seen Blizz play with the idea of races 'evolving' on issues over time. Even the small High Elf community in the Alliance didn't seem enough imo to add them as a playable race (even tho it would've been much better than the whole void elf deal which they basically pulled out of their asses). Druid balance - NE. Even places like Maldraxxus had a forest with wild life in it (Death Realm). Void Elf is a freebie since it’s just blood elves, and then they’d have to give the Horde a race as well. Druid Forms: Interesting Bear form, Cat form, Travel form. 2. Comment by Cyyna on 2023-09-07T20:09:25-05:00. So we all know all races all classes is soon going to be a thing (except for evokers and DH’s maybe). Owlchemy-stormrage. 2 will obviously be about the Emerald Dream. Ashikaga ( a Japanese samurai clan). It’s connection to both the arcane and the elements is strong. those are . 5 Content Hub. Even then, the only restrictions would probably be lightforged shadow priest and void elf holy priest. Tauren. Taethelan-malganis August 9, 2023, 10:45pm #1. Nourished and strengthened by the Sunwell’s potent energies, the high elves’ enchanted kingdom of Quel’Thalas prospered within the verdant forests north of Lordaeron. Always up to date with the latest patch (10. Rune Crafter should've been a Druid subclass comments. KT: Outlaw Rogue or Resto shaman. NPCs ingame are not limited like the player is - see the worgen druid and dark iron DK as island expo enemies, blood elf druids in the Botanica, and not to mention Kul Tiran tidesages. Races. Any words if Void Elf or high elf alliance paladins? I really love paladins but want to be a regal blue and silver noble High Elf model. This is because 10. Highmountain Tauren Allied Race Druid Forms and Racial Mount; Patch 7. Druid = Human + Tree 218. TheEpicBF • 2 yr. Activision-Blizzard. The process of unlocking allied races was simplified with the launch of WoW Dragonflight. Cat Form: I couldn't find any existing void-cats in World of Warcraft, but it's not difficult to imagine what such a ferocious beast might look like. Racial - Void Elf. To get Heritage Armor sets in Dragonflight, you’ll need to level up your character, whether that’s Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei, Void Elf, Kul Tiran Human, Mag’har. They look equally good in the druid Nighthold armor as they do in DK set from Nighthold. I’d love to do a race change for one of those characters from Worgen to Void Elf. Have both at 70 and trying to decide which to use this race change for on my main character but have been waffling back and forth for weeks. Question: WoW Which classes can I play as a Void Elf? Answer: Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Priest, Warlock, Monk, Death Knight. Void Elf Priest - Mainly for Shadow Priest Dark Iron Shaman - Dark Shaman Orc Warlock/Warrior/Shaman - Wouldn't have warlocks without Orcs. Druid Outfits. Everyone. ago. Community General Discussion. void elf monk dafuq . Blood elves (and by extension void elves) don’t use nature magic at all; they employ arcane, fel, and shadow magics, or wield the Light, but nowhere canonically at all do they utilize nature or elemental magics of any kind. Alliance Races: Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarf, Kul Tiran Human, Mechagnome. Void elf racial is super limiting. Death Knight Demon Hunter Druid Evoker Hunter Mage Monk Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior. Druidiana-mannoroth. Comment by confe on 2023-11-24T06:18:27-06:00. And they're you go.